In concordance to the topic of 'bad cinema', the film 'Kids' was reviewed. The film is based upon sexually active American children. Produced in 1995 the film formed much controversy due to its inclusion and focus on the teenager's attitudes and behaviour towards substance abuse and sex. The film is ideal in representing bad cinema due to its variety of bad behaviours including explicit sexual dialogue, drug dealing, physical violence, theft, sexual display, substance abuse and date rape.
More deeply, the film is based upon a teenage boy character named Tilly, unaware of being HIV positive his goal is to sleep with virgins, some of whom are underage. The character also participates in many instances of drug use. Through the film characters contract sexually transmitted disease, partake in gang violence and other areas formerly discussed.
Due to the issues examined it is understandable why the film raises so much debate as not only does in entail these topics but also uses adolescent actors and actresses to do so, immorally exposing them to these behaviours. Due to the abundance of immoral behaviours Mirimax films rated 'Kids' a NC-17 certificate, yet it was later released unrated.
Below is a link which presents the uproar created from the production of the film:
Personally I believe the concept of the film the producers were trying to create was a wakeup call to parents of the situations teenagers realistically face. Generally I believe the creation of the film is effective and offers parents a way of becoming more aware, it also offers parents a tool to implement to their children to become more educated to life pressures and could in turn help to decrease for example HIV. However I do not believe the film is immorally incorrect for using such young actors and some form of parental guidance should have been put on the film on release.

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