Monday, 26 April 2010

Prejudice; racism

Racism is discriminatory or abusive behaviour to members of a given race under the belief that one race is intrinsically superior to members of another race. It is an issue that has affected people for hundreds of years and continues to do so to this day. According to the website racism has been the cause of over 62 million deaths in the last 100 years. Racism has been the cause of wars, apartheids, deaths and disputes, it has caused heart ache and loss to many people and for this reason I believe it is undoubtedly a bad behaviour.

Through the link it presents how in 1998 4,468 racial hate crimes were reported. I believe this presents the reality of racial abuse. Throughout the years more media has been given to racial problems with films such as "Do the right thing" and "Boyz n the Hood" being created to illustrate these problems.

Personally I do not believe Martin Luther King's dream has been seen as of yet, however today, with a variety of celebrities, schools and the government racism is slowly getting stamped out. Aside bullying I find this to be one of the more appalling behaviours, being bad.

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