So far throughout my blogs, a variety of potential bad behaviour has been discussed. However no definition has been given to suggest what I believe general bad behaviour comprises.
Bad behaviour could be defined as an act that harms one's self or another person; physically or mentally. This may be through the use of substances or other. An individual's idea of what bad behaviour is could be determined by their personal morals. For example drug use may be immoral in ones opinion but a daily routine in someone else's. However, bad behaviour could simply defined as a law breaking act.
I do not believe there is one set definition of what bad behaviour is and it would be hard to attain one from a search engine!. Regardless of its definition, bad behaviour takes place, a behaviour being bad varies by person and what their idea of bad behaviours include.
In correlation to what behaviour is, it could be questioned what makes a person act out types of bad behaviour. Below is a link to an article presenting beliefs into a criminal gene. It proposes that genetic makeup is the creation of a criminal, with the belief that some people are destined to be bad. Even though the article is based upon a murderer, which is not the type of bad behaviour I am investigating, the article does however describe Lombroso's theory of a criminal man and how genes could create for example thieves.

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