We as individuals are always in a constant state of change, meaning intoxication is natural. When taking this fact into account does this mean drug use is not deviant as it is only another form of being intoxicated.
There are many different types of drugs including; hypnotics, stimulants, omebriants and hallucinogens, all varying in types of stimulation. It could be questioned whether drug use of one type is bad where another is acceptable, this would mirror the fact that different drugs are given different classes. Drugs can be taken for health reasons or personal enjoyment, in correlation to this it could also be argued whether personal use is bad in comparison to someone's health.
Hallucinogenic drugs include cannabis and LSD, they are drugs that occur naturally, changing a person's mental state. Going back into history it is apparent that Vietnam War troops took drugs to incapacitate themselves from the reality of death and insanity. Being a form of pain relief I believe from this aspect drug use should not be seen as a form of bad behaviour as they can help their users.
However from the use of drugs many unbeneficial effects can arise. LSD mirrors a psychotic episode of a schizophrenic. When in this state what a person does may not be their own conscious choice but can lead to harming themselves or other. From the website http://www.thegooddrugsguide.com/lsd/faq.htm it presents many types of drugs and their affects. It presents how from many drugs a person can get captivated by how the drug makes you feel under influence, this can lead to physical or psychological addiction. Addictions to drug have been seen to increase crime rate not only by the general use of drugs but also as criminal act are carried out to feed drug habits.
In correlation to the use of drugs the Government are trying to control drugs. Personally I do not believe this is a great idea. When drugs are illegal the cool factor increases therefore if the ban is taken away people may feel less of a need to indulge in the given behaviour.
Overall drugs are not that great, for many of us we do not need them to live, yet so much money is wasted each year on them, death each year is increased because of them and tax payers money is wasted on those addicts. I personally believe there should be a ban on drugs however people always want to defy the law.
There are many different types of drugs including; hypnotics, stimulants, omebriants and hallucinogens, all varying in types of stimulation. It could be questioned whether drug use of one type is bad where another is acceptable, this would mirror the fact that different drugs are given different classes. Drugs can be taken for health reasons or personal enjoyment, in correlation to this it could also be argued whether personal use is bad in comparison to someone's health.
Hallucinogenic drugs include cannabis and LSD, they are drugs that occur naturally, changing a person's mental state. Going back into history it is apparent that Vietnam War troops took drugs to incapacitate themselves from the reality of death and insanity. Being a form of pain relief I believe from this aspect drug use should not be seen as a form of bad behaviour as they can help their users.
However from the use of drugs many unbeneficial effects can arise. LSD mirrors a psychotic episode of a schizophrenic. When in this state what a person does may not be their own conscious choice but can lead to harming themselves or other. From the website http://www.thegooddrugsguide.com/lsd/faq.htm it presents many types of drugs and their affects. It presents how from many drugs a person can get captivated by how the drug makes you feel under influence, this can lead to physical or psychological addiction. Addictions to drug have been seen to increase crime rate not only by the general use of drugs but also as criminal act are carried out to feed drug habits.
In correlation to the use of drugs the Government are trying to control drugs. Personally I do not believe this is a great idea. When drugs are illegal the cool factor increases therefore if the ban is taken away people may feel less of a need to indulge in the given behaviour.
Overall drugs are not that great, for many of us we do not need them to live, yet so much money is wasted each year on them, death each year is increased because of them and tax payers money is wasted on those addicts. I personally believe there should be a ban on drugs however people always want to defy the law.

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