According to Richard Henriksen infidelity is a multicultural perspective. For example in specific parts of Africa it is acceptable for married partners to have casual sexual relationships with third parties. In comparison, in specific Arab societies if a woman was to commit adultery they could be put to death. This concludes how infidelity is based upon the individual, their morals and cultural beliefs.
Especially in Western societies it is blatantly evident that infidelity now occurs more commonly. However it is less apparent the reasoning to why people participate in cheating. It personally baffles me why a person would cheat on a partner rather than just end the unhappy relationship. A person may choose to cheat due to the thrill which may stem from it, including the rule breaking and idea of getting caught. This would suggest why they would not finish with their current partner as without them the chance of getting caught is nonexistent.
Presently infidelity may be portrayed as more socially acceptable, this may be due to the media. Over the last two years through media such as 'The Sun' newspaper it has been reported with photographic evidence that footballer Ashley Cole cheated on his current wife Cheryl Cole. Serial cheat Ashley is a role model to many young men therefore by him cheating does this not instigate that the behaviour is acceptable. Similarly by Cheryl Cole forgiving the 'love rat' does this not say to the young girls who admire her dearly that again this behaviour is acceptable?
Apart from the fact that cheating is immorally disgusting; it is also bad due to the string of bad behaviours attached to it. These include, lying, manipulation, the passing of sexually transmitted diseases and hypocrisy. In many cases cheating can also lead to violence adding to my beliefs into why cheating is bad. The consequences if infidelity can also have dramatic affects for further parties such as offspring, who then face the ordeal and stress of unhappy families. In many cases cheaters often state they immorally committed adultery due to being drunk, however is it not bad in its self to allow yourself to get that drunk to the point of having no physical control over one's body.
According to Annette Lawson, she believed that when women commit adultery it gives them power, being able to grow, gain confidence and the ability to control their marriage. Personally I believe she speaks utter nonsense. Personally from the cases of infidelity I have witnessed, by a partner cheating it has not gained the person confidence but instead made them paranoid. Bringing in a third party does not fix a relationship; it's overall a selfish act.
When investigating into the behaviour of infidelity, the first aspect I researched was the statistics. According to the website; it is found that the percentage of men and women who admitted to committing infidelity in any relationship was over 50% for both genders, 57% for males and 54% for females. I believe these statistics present how there is no significant difference in whether a person cheats and their gender. People will always cheat, but that does not make it right.

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